The Alembic Plot: A Terran Empire novel Read online

Page 9

  8. Ambush

  Back on the road, about an hour later, Cortin spotted a rider coming intheir direction. He was apparently daydreaming, because it was a fewseconds before he saw the group--and when he did, he reined around andgalloped back the way he'd come.

  Cortin stopped, frowning, and motioned Odeon to join her. Most peopledidn't like getting too close to prisoner escorts, no, but leaving at agallop was a rather extreme reaction. Not necessarily a guiltyreaction, and not one she would normally be justified in having himpursued or shot for . . . but it bothered her. When Odeon reined inbeside her, she said, "I don't like the looks of that. It could meannothing, but it could also mean trouble. Patrol formation, I think,with you at point; as Tracker, you've got the best chance of spottingtrouble before it spots you."

  "Right. And I'd recommend Tony as rear guard; he's the closest we haveto a second Tracker."

  "Agreed." As he rode ahead, Cortin dropped back to the main group,briefed them, and sent Degas to the rear. This wasn't good ambushcountry--the woods were open, with the road avoiding rough terrainwherever possible--and they'd be in secure territory when they gotwithin an hour's ride of the retreat; even when the Royal Family waselsewhere, there were security and housekeeping staffs in residence.

  When they moved out again, she stayed with the group, all of them alertfor unusual movements or sounds. Cortin found herself half-hoping foraction, though she also wanted to make it through without having any ofher people hurt or killed.

  Odeon moved forward cautiously. He agreed with Joanie: even thoughsomeone fleeing a prisoner escort didn't necessarily mean trouble, itwas a good idea to take a few simple precautions. He studied theother's tracks when he got to them, but they told him nothing he didn'talready know. The man had been riding at a walk, and had suddenlyturned, galloping away. If it was because of normal apprehension,fine, and no real problem even if he was a wanted criminal; he'd causethem no trouble, and he'd be caught eventually if he kept reacting thatway. The problem would arise if he were point man for a group ofBrothers or other terrorists--not likely this close to a royalresidence, but certainly a possibility.

  He wasn't kept in suspense long; within five minutes, he heard a groupof riders ahead. They were making no effort to be silent, which didn'tprove anything one way or the other; either they were innocent, or theywere pretending to be innocent to get close to the Enforcement group.The woods were open enough there was no point in leaving the road totry to eavesdrop on them; if he were close enough to understand words,he'd be close enough to see. So, keeping his hand close to his pistol,he rode forward.

  His appearance clearly startled them, enough to get an honest reaction;half of the fifteen or so went for their weapons. He drew and fired atthe same time he was turning his horse and urging it to a gallop.Leaning low over the horse's withers, he continued to fire, and wasboth surprised and gratified to hear a cry of pain mixed with thereturn fire; it was damn near impossible to hit anything from the backof a running horse even if you tried to aim.

  Cortin heard the shots, then rapidly-approaching hoofbeats. So did therest, and there was no need to give orders; all had been in similarsituations often enough to know precisely what to do. By the timeOdeon came in sight, Chang and the prisoner were far enough off to theside to be out of the firefight, and the rest were behind good-sizedtrees. This wasn't exactly what Cortin had had in mind, wantingaction--it was more like the kneeling-behind-a-barrier segment of afiring range exercise--but it would do.

  When Odeon passed their positions, the team opened fire. Cortin hittwo, someone else hit two more, and the terrorists turned into amilling, cursing mob whose return fire was sporadic and poorly aimed.Cortin smiled, continuing to aim and fire as coolly as if she were onthe target range. She had no more hits, but others did; three moreterrorists fell, and the rest fled, demoralized.

  She stood, brushing off her trousers, then reloaded and holstered herpistol. "Anyone hurt?" she called.


  "Fine here."

  "Nicked by a chunk of flying bark, nothing serious."

  "We are unhurt."

  Hoofbeats from the rear brought them alert again, but it was Degasgalloping up, his gun drawn. He holstered it as he pulled his horse toa stop, looking disappointed. "I missed all the fun, huh?"

  "I'm afraid so," Cortin said, smiling. "Bad guys zero, good guysseven."

  "Eight," Odeon said. "I hit one when they started chasing me. I don'tknow if he's dead or just wounded, though."

  Chang had come up and started checking the casualties; now shereported. "Six dead, Captain, the other critically wounded."

  "Can he be questioned?"

  Chang frowned. "Perhaps, if you hurry. He is conscious, but willprobably not survive more than a few minutes."

  "I'll hurry--which one?"

  "Over here." Chang led the way, kneeling beside the terrorist anddoing what she could to keep him alive for Cortin's questions.

  Cortin knelt on the man's other side, pulling her gloves off. "Mymedic says you only have a few minutes to live. If you've got anydesire to make your peace with God, now's the time to do it." Thatdidn't seem a very promising tactic, but it was obvious he wouldn'tlive long enough for her usual methods.

  "You're . . . Cortin?" The man coughed, blood speckling his lips.

  "Yes." Maybe her reputation would be a help--except that he didn'tseem as much afraid as hopeful.

  "Now I know . . . why th' Raidmaster's . . . afraid of you." The manseized her bare hand. "Protect me from him . . . you're a priest . . .I'll tell you all I can."

  "You'll be as safe from him as you are from me, in a few minutes."

  "No!" The man struggled to sit up, gasping in pain. "That's nohelp--I need . . . th' Sacraments."

  Much as she wanted to, Cortin couldn't refuse; this was why StrikeForce Inquisitors were required to be priests. She got her stole outof her pocket, calling for Odeon to bring her saddlebags, then kissedthe stole and put it on. "I'm ready."

  The man's Confession was hurried, missing details he must know hedidn't have time for, but to Cortin's surprise it was an honest effort;he actually did regret what he'd done. Imminent-death repentancewasn't as good as trying to live a decent, useful life, but if Godfound it acceptable she had to. She gave him Absolution and Communion,less disturbed by that than she'd expected--though it still wasn't anexperience she cared to repeat.

  When he'd swallowed the Host, the Brother sank back. "Thanks . . .didn't know how much I'd missed it . . . once you've taken the oath. . . he doesn't let you know." His eyes closed, and Cortin didn't needChang's murmur to tell her he was almost gone. When he spoke again,his voice was little more than a whisper. "He's right to be . . .afraid of you. So afraid . . . you're to be . . . left alone. It'sthe nun . . . Piety's top of the . . . wipe list . . . more ways thanone . . ." He tried to laugh, choked instead. "You'll need 'em both. . . t' beat him." That was all he could manage; with a sigh, he died.

  Cortin gave him a final blessing, then resumed her gloves, put away herstole, and wrote a note that this one required burial in holy ground.She pinned it to his shirt, then rose and looked around.

  The Service horses were still there, obedient to their dropped reins,but only two of the others' had stayed--not enough to transport sevenor eight bodies. "Check them for ID, then get them off the road andcover them. We can inform the residence's security people, and theycan send someone out. We'll take the horses along, though; they'reroyal property now, and they need looked after."

  "Right." Odeon took charge, helping pull bodies off the road andsearch them, while Cortin collected the horses and mounted. None ofthem expected terrorists to be carrying identification, so there was nodisappointment when they didn't find any. Half an hour after theattack, they were ready to go again, but as Cortin was taking a finallook at the blanket-covered bodies, she got an idea, reached back intoher saddlebag for one of her spare gloves, then tossed it on one of thebodies. "Wh
oever finds these plaguers won't know what that means untillater," she said, "but Team Azrael has claimed its first victory, andit won't be our last. They'll learn."

  * * * * *

  The repentant Brother hadn't told her much, Cortin thought as theyrode, but the little he had said was disturbing. Shannon, so afraid ofher--why?--that he'd put her off limits. That didn't make sense;logically, he should be doing his utmost to kill her. Instead, it wasPiety--and what did that 'in more ways than one' mean?--at the top oftheir wipe list. Which also made no sense.

  "Unless Shannon knows something we don't," Odeon said, riding up besideher.

  "You reading minds now?"

  "Hardly--but what else would you be thinking about, after what he said?"

  "True." Cortin gave him a sidelong glance. "So what possibleknowledge would have that effect? Put an Inquisitor off limits, andtarget a medic? The only thing she and I have in common is that wewere both his victims."

  "Surviving female victims," Odeon said. "Both associated withEnforcement, and now both, not just one, religious." He frowned. "IfShannon's who--or what--Sis thinks, and Tony won't dispute, God won'tlet him operate unopposed for long. Though it may seem like forever tous, depending on when he started. If it's recently, there won't be awhole lot we can accomplish, though of course we'll have to try tofight him--but if it's near the end of his allotted free time, it meansthe Protector's about to appear. With him afraid of you and targetingSis, I'd say the latter's more likely, and with you two playingimportant parts. Maybe his heralds, maybe part of the staff theprophecies say he may have if Shayan's strong enough to make him needone, there's not enough information to say--but whichever, if I'mright, you and she are the two most important people in the Systemsright now."

  Cortin tried to laugh at that conceit, but she couldn't. Mike had anuncomfortable habit of being right, especially in this sort of thing.On the other hand--"That's one possibility, I suppose. You have toadmit, though, it doesn't sound too plausible: that two women Shannon'salready defeated should be much of a danger to him."

  Odeon frowned. "I agree. Still, it's the least unreasonable thing Ican think of, assuming he is Shayan."

  "Which I doubt, in spite of Sis' conviction. But we do have to assumea worst-case scenario, which means we turn around right now and spreadthe alarm." Cortin started to rein her horse around.

  "No!" Odeon exclaimed, shocking them both with the intensity of hisrefusal.

  "Why not?" Cortin should have been angry at his insubordination;instead, she was curious. "You have a hunch about it?"

  "Stronger than a hunch," Odeon said, frowning. "It feels likesomething vital now, not just a nice idea." He shook his head. "Idon't have any hard evidence, Joanie, but I think Team Azrael's beenchosen--maybe even designed--to take on Shannon. We've got things todo before we're ready, though. Things we've got to do alone, or withvery few and very carefully chosen people to help. And this is one ofthose things."

  "You make it sound like we're puppets."

  "No!" Again, Odeon's intensity startled both of them. "Compulsion isShannon's way, not God's. He'll guide and help us as long as we'rewilling to accept His backing, but He won't go beyond that unless wespecifically ask Him to." He managed a grin. "Which I did, back atthe White Fathers' monastery. And I think He just took me up on it,because I'd never argue a lawful order on my own."

  "I know--I think that's what shocked me most," Cortin said. "But . . .Mike, you're scaring me. Sure, Azrael's good--we picked the best. Andhe was telling the truth when he said Shannon was afraid of me, thoughI can't imagine why, if he is Shayan. Dear God, Mike, we're onlyhuman!"

  "Humans have been known to work wonders, with God's help," Odeonpointed out. "Though I have to admit I'm not too thrilled about goingup against His Infernal Majesty myself."

  "But we both will if we have to. We all will." Cortin shuddered."And we'd better be in a state of grace when we do, because we're notgoing to have much of a chance of coming out alive." She took a deepbreath, exhaled slowly. "But that's a good idea any time, and I'drather think Shannon's just a particularly nasty human. Under Shayan'sinfluence, of course, but not supernatural himself."

  "So would I. God willing, that's how it'll work out."

  * * * * *

  It was still a couple of hours before dark when they got to theretreat's main guard post. Cortin was surprised when a lieutenantemerged to check their identification and authorization, until he toldher that Crown Prince Edward and Princess Ursula were in residence, andwent on, "Colonel Bradford and Inquisitor-Major Illyanov are in TheirHighness' party, and asked whoever met you to extend their regards.They would like to see you when you get a chance; they're billeted inthe Manor, but we were told you and your team need privacy, so you'reassigned a field-type shelter we use when there're too many securitypeople here for normal quarters. I hope that'll be satisfactory."

  "A shelter is fine, thanks," Cortin said. Better, in fact, than theManor--for her, at least. Being loaned a corner of a royal retreat wasan honor, but she was certain she'd be horribly uncomfortable in theactual presence of royalty. Seeing Illyanov and Bradford again wouldbe nice, though--especially Ivan, and especially if the surgery worked,though she was reluctant to admit an Inquisitor had that kind ofattraction for her. "I do need a couple of things, if they'repossible?"

  "My pleasure, Team-Leader. What can we do for you?"

  "Take care of these spare horses, and see about picking up andidentifying some bodies." Cortin gave him a brief explanation, and adescription of the location.

  "I know where you mean," the Lieutenant said. "I'll be happy to see toboth. Is there anything else?"

  "No, except where this shelter is." She paused, realizing she wasforgetting something. "Lieutenant Bain plans to conduct aninterrogation of our prisoner, probably within the next couple of days.We certainly don't want to disturb Their Highnesses, though; is theresomeplace remote we can use?"

  "The shelter is about a kilometer from the Manor, Captain; standardprocedures will be fine." The Lieutenant turned back to the guardhouseand called inside; seconds later, a sergeant emerged. "SergeantHalvorsen will guide you, then take the spare horses to the mainstable. If you don't mind him using one of them?"

  "Of course not. Glad to meet you, Sergeant."

  "My pleasure, ma'am." Halvorsen saluted; when she returned it, hemounted one of the spare horses and led them another half-dozenkilometers, past immaculate lawns and formal gardens, to a shelter thatlooked odd because it was covered in multi-colored climbing roses."Here you are, Captain," he said with a smile. "Enjoy your stay."

  "Thank you, Sergeant." Cortin dismounted as he left, leading her horseinto the shelter's stable. She needed help unsaddling--her backwouldn't let her do it by herself any longer--but once that was done,she was able to care for and feed Rainbow alone. She wouldn't mindhaving the gelding as a permanent mount as long as she was stationed atMiddletown; he did have a smooth gait, even though she couldn'tappreciate it properly any longer, and he was beautifully responsive toreins, knees, or voice. Once the Strike Force was activated, maybe shewould lay claim to him.

  When they got into the shelter proper, Degas began fixing supper.That, like clean-up, was normally done by turns, but he'd volunteeredfor the job--he claimed in self-defense--any time they were in thefield. No one argued, after Pritchett had challenged him to show why;he could do wonders with shelter rations, and was the only human Cortinknew who could actually make trail rations into something you didn'tmind eating.

  A knock on the door brought them all alert, though none wereanticipating trouble here; as Cortin had half expected, what they gotwas company for supper, in the persons of Bradford and Illyanov. Shewas glad to see them, and even more pleased that they settled into theteam's non-regulation informality as if it were a group of Inquisitorslike the one at the Eagle's Nest.

  She saw Bradford's look of pleased surprise
at her men's gloves, andhis slow smile of approval. "I see Team Azrael has decided on atrademark. Did you by any chance leave a glove with the remains ofyour attackers?"

  Not at all surprised that they'd heard the story so quickly, Cortinnodded. "Yes--it seemed like a good idea. Shouldn't we have?"

  "That's your option, as Team-Leader. Leaving a token that way willgain your team a reputation, which can be helpful at times--but it'llalso make you targets. So I'm leaving the choice, as I said, to theTeam-Leaders."

  "We'll talk about it, then," Cortin said, a bit disturbed. "Personalnotoriety for Inquisitor Azrael will be useful--but I've discovered I'mno longer one of the Brothers' targets, though Lieutenant Chang is atthe top of their list. I will not turn the rest of my team intospecial targets without their consent."

  Bradford looked incredulous. "You're not a target? I find that hardto believe."

  "One of the Brother casualties lived long enough to talk." Sheexplained, including Chang's conviction about Shannon'sidentity--leaving out only Degas' youthful indiscretion--watching theColonel's face.

  After a brief silence, Bradford nodded. "I've heard similar opinions,though I'm not sure I believe them either. In that case, your team maychoose."

  "Anyone else with an Inquisitor's badge is automatically at the top ofthe Brothers' target list," Bain pointed out. "Me, I'll take anyadvantage I can get to balance that. Though if we keep on at thisrate, we may all go broke buying gloves."

  "Requisition them as team equipment," Bradford said. "Team Flame hasalready put one in for candles."

  "I like the idea," Odeon said thoughtfully. "Anyone on a Strike Team,not just the Inquisitors, is going to be a prime target as soon as wego public. So I agree with Dave--we might as well take the advantageswith the dangers."

  "I didn't join Special Ops or the Strike Force for safety andsecurity," Degas agreed. "I'm for it."

  "Same here," "And I also," came simultaneously from Pritchett and Chang.

  "I'd say that settles that," Cortin said, gratified. "Shall we eat,gentles?"

  That suggestion got hearty approval, and the men served themselveswhile Cortin gave her mug of broth a disgruntled look.

  "Looking forward to some solid food?" Bradford asked, grinning. "Oh,I've cleared Ivan for this experiment, since I could see how close youtwo got while he was training you."

  "Um." Cortin looked from him to Illyanov, whose attempt at an innocentlook might possibly have fooled a two-year-old, then back. So Ivanwanted in too, did he? Well, she certainly didn't have any objection!"Yes, I am," she said. "Right now, I'm not sure whether I'm lookingforward more to that, or to being able to have sex again. I supposeI'll find out when I'm able to have both."

  That got chuckles, and Chang smiled. "I will make sure you arenourished well enough that you can make your choice without concern foryour strength."

  Cortin bowed in her direction. "Thanks, Sis. That should make it fairenough . . . as long as I'm not asked to choose between a chocolateeclair and one of you ready for action. In that case, I'd probably tryfor both at once."

  "No chocolate eclairs, then," Odeon said promptly. "The other I won'tpromise."

  Cortin almost choked on her broth, but managed to bring herself undercontrol. "I wouldn't put it past any of you gentlemen, and I can'tthink of anything nicer to wake up to--but any sedative strong enoughto knock me out under algetin won't leave me able to do any of us muchgood for . . . how long, Sis? About a day?"

  "Considerably less than that, I should say," Chang replied. "I willdiscontinue the algetin only when I am convinced you are completelyhealed, and the sedative I will use will fade into a natural sleep.When you wake from that, you should be fully recovered and capable ofany exertions you care to make."

  "Better than I thought, then. When do you plan to operate?"

  "Tomorrow morning," Bradford answered for the medic. "I've had whatwould be the armory in a real shelter set up for the operation. Youshould be on your feet again within a week."