Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance Read online

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  EBISU, Subsector 18-A: No. systems: 124 Sector: Aries with 3 inhabited planets: 2 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 11 with 1 inhabited planet: 28

  EGERIN: The hormone that defines a Sandeman warrior and controls hisneed cycle.

  EMPIRE, TERRAN: Founded by Cheong Chang in 2128, the Empire is anumbrella government with functions limited to defense of the Empire asa whole, peacekeeping (primarily between Sectors, though occasionallyif necessary between lesser fiefs as well), and inter-culturalrelations that cannot be handled at a lower level. Its normal methodof operation is that of minimum intervention, to encourage maximumdiversity (within limits; neither anarchy nor Balkanization are seen asdesirable).

  As a safeguard, although going to the appropriate noble is generallypreferable, all Imperial citizens have the right of direct appeal tothe Throne, and if circumstances warrant (normally determined by anEvaluation Team investigation), the Empire will act.

  The Empire is based firmly on the principle of enlightenedself-interest, making it the most thoroughly pragmatic governmenthumans have ever developed. Ninety-nine-plus percent of the time, thismeans demonstrating an integrity pre-Empire Terran politicians wouldbelieve undesirable to impossible, probably both.

  However, there is that other fractional percent of a time. Even thegreatest idealists realize that from time to time, any government isgoing to need to use unpleasant, unethical, and possibly even illegalmeans to achieve something vital. For these times, as well as for morenormal undercover operations, the Empire is believed to use itsIntelDiv field agents, as well as the rumored Shadow Fleet.

  ENERGINE: A powerful stimulant, effective for approximately eighthours. While it will allow the user to overcome most weaknesses, toomuch will demand a high price in recuperation afterward.

  ENERGY SOURCES: See Fusion, Internal Combustion, T/CT.

  ENGLISH, IMPERIAL: Emperor Chang's regularized version of acombination of American and British English, with phoneticized spellingand somewhat modified vocabulary.

  ENVIRO-SUIT: A coverall-type garment that provides protection fromextreme temperatures, either heat or cold, between approximately -100and +150 degrees Celsius.

  ERIDANUS, Sector 12: Ruled by: No. systems: 621 Subsectors: 7 Inhabited planets: 366 A. Ramman E. Susanowo B. Tefnut F. Zeus C. Ahto G. Thor D. Rudra

  EVALUATION TEAM: Commonly called an E-Team, this is a group of MarineIntelligence Division operatives sent in to investigate a citizen'sreport or appeal for help, if a preliminary evaluation shows apotentially serious problem to exist, and determine whether Imperialintervention is both justified and necessary. Only when the report isof imminent warfare or rebellion, when it includes evidence that makesan investigation unnecessary, or when the preliminary evaluation showsit not to be an Imperial matter, is an E-Team not sent in.

  EXCALIBUR, Subsector 14-D: No. systems: 52 Sector: Phoenix with 3 inhabited planets: 6 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 9 with 1 inhabited planet: 26 Arms: On a red field, a sword point-upward between three silver caltrops.

  EXOTIC: Xanaden term for genetically engineered human variants,specifically those originally intended as sexual objects.

  Although major genetic engineering of humans was outlawed in 2310, ithas been impossible to completely suppress. It has, however, beendriven into secrecy, with the result that most such engineering is doneby or for the rich and powerful who have grown bored with legaldiversions. This in turn means that most subjects of such engineeringhave had their sexuality enhanced for their creators' entertainment,often with other changes being made as well.

  Most of the Empire's more detailed knowledge of Exotics comes fromthose who disliked and were able to escape from those who engineeredthem. Of these, most gravitate to Xanadu and the Amators' Guild, wherethey can make profitable use of the engineering carried out on them (oron their forebears). It is not known how many either do not rebel orare unsuccessful in their escape attempts, but it seems reasonable toassume this number to be far greater than the escapees'.

  While the details of the various Exotic types vary considerably, thebasics of most are quite consistent, which is to be expected given thepurpose of such engineering. An Exotic is always responsive, in somedegree, to sexual stimuli, is capable of what seems to non-Exotics likeincredible sexual endurance, and most begin sexual activity during orimmediately after adolescence. (It must be noted, of course, that anyor all of the above does on occasion occur to a non-engineered humanand cannot be considered proof of engineering; genetic analysis is theonly way to be certain.)

  In some cases, enhancement of the sexual drive is the only change made.In most, however, physical changes have been made as well, though notall are visible (for instance, the Ishtar variants are characterized bysensory nerves lining the vaginal canal, usually leading to the brain'spleasure center). The changes which are visible also vary, fromrelatively minor (such as the Tingler's tentacles around his penis) tonear-total alteration (such as the Elf variant's small, slender buildand delicate features emphasized by pointed ears and slanted eyes).